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2021 EMS Leadership Summit
Welcome Section
What to expect
Playbook: Your EMS Leadership Guide to the 2021 Summit & Beyond
Kick-off Event
Daily Debrief of Day 1
Daily Debrief Day 2
Daily Debrief Day 3
Daily Debrief Day 4
Daily Debrief Day 5. Lisa & Robbie talk next steps...
Day 1
Rob Cook: Healthy Living is an Art (53:02)
Scott Moore: Climbing the Professional Ladder - Steps to Being a Better Leader (56:54)
Chris Smetana: Culture | This is the Way (64:24)
Richard Lee: From Responding to Vaccinating, How St John Trained an Army of Volunteer Vaccinators (25:17)
Panel: EMS Public Relations & COVID-19 Communication Lessons Learned with Mark Tenia, Alexia Jobson, Rob Lawrence. (53:42)
David Daniels: I'll Feel Safe When You Let Me Be Me - Steps to Establish Psychological Safety (55:27)
William Martin: Unlocking your superpowers to build dynamic teams (44:47)
Day #2
Russ Brown: Not all superheros wear capes! Reigniting your passion for medicine. (49:10)
Chris Cebollero: Ultimate Coaching - Skills for Developing A Highly Engaged Workforce (53:15)
Wendy Lund: Stewardship | Strategies for spiralling up in the long haul (52:59)
Ryan Fields Spack: Innovations of FirstNet & Rapid Deployable Assets (30:44)
Louis van Rensburg: EMS Systems Development in low to middle income countries (LMIC's) (17:15)
Asbel Montes: The Intersection of Politics and HealthCare Policy (48:13)
Marques Bush: Forging Leadership. Removing Excuses & Creating A Culture of Retention (47:51)
Duncan McConnell: Clinical change within a complex health care system (49:40)
Day #3
Chris Kroboth: Less talk, more walk. Innovations in Prehospital Education (43:28)
Mara Gleason-Olsen: Discovering the One Solution to All Your EMS Leadership Challenges: Igniting the Solver Inside Everyone (59:47)
Scott Moore: The Green Wave, Challenges for EMS Employers in a Time of Legalized Marijuana (28:34)
Alyssa Vance & Clay Dickens: Recruitment & Retention in the Age of Social Media (38:45)
Panel: Combatting Sudden Death. Resuscitation Academy & Citizen CPR Foundation Panel on Resuscitation Leadership. w/ Ann Doll, Tom Rea, David Hiltz, Jim Suozzi (55:38)
Jack Sullivan: EMS Provider Safety & Survival at Roadway Incidents (65:47)
Day #4
Eric Hamel One furry strategy in PTSD prevention. Presentation in French, translations provided by Technimount (52:46)
Kristy Halvorsen: Unscripted Leadership (56:34)
Eric Chase: Leadership & Vulnerability. The power of Yes, and! (43:11)
Mic Gunderson: Quality Unleashed (48:49)
Panel: Zero Emission Vehicles: HVS Systems' Hydrogen Powered Ambulance Design in the UK (26:24)
Cory Key: Military Support Programs & How They Can Enhance Your Organization (23:27)
Day #5
Scott Moore: The Long-Awaited Evolution of Performance Management (32:01)
Rick Rupenthal: Adaptive Leadership in Constant Chaos (69:37)
Suz Jeffreys: Food as Fuel for Busy Leaders. How to Eat Better, Even on Your Busiest Days! (24:06)
Panel: So Many Tools, So Little Time. RapidSOS: Jamison Peevyhouse, #what3words: Ashley Cashion, LAFD: Scott Porter (41:27)
Lisa Rainey: Managing EMS Supplies - The Shampoo Principle (31:15)
Keith Blevens: The Answer Everyone On Earth Is Trying To Figure Out (56:23)
LIVE 1P PT / 4P ET w/Nadine Levick: EMS Safety & Innovation - the Future is Now
Mic Gunderson: Quality Unleashed
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